Friday, October 28, 2011

me worry?
Brooklyn 20080801 12:38pm
Olympus E-520 
I opened this image in my files randomly, exploring a new piece software I selected a folder and displayed the contents, it matched my mood so I decided to post it, and a ramble of words. 
Three years and almost three months ago I was sitting in a little room sixteen floors above Brooklyn absorbed into a web of COBOL commands. 
Beautifully abstract, an invisible construct of names, actions and reserved words, this is the conscious mind of the machine. 
These thoughts when compiled become the unconscious mind, they function without the light of life, toil in the darkness of the back brain.
 Time stamped in the file shows 12:38 pm, almost lunch time, the director of data processing breaks his gaze from the screen and directs it over his right shoulder, Olympus and the heavens.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Black
(& White)
I loved the movie, 
I thought it to be perfect, 
It was on my mind last week, 
As I was photographing,
 "Swans On Rockland Lake".