Three Hershey kisses
or can a retiree
take a vacation?
We had three days at the amusement park and we all had fun. The following three images were shot with a Canon S90 on consecutive days, starting on the twenty fourth of August.
Here they are, my lovely wife and two darling children fresh out of the van and ready to hit the park. What can be more meaningful for any artist than creating a likeness of his family in happiness and harmony. Many artists are not fortunate enough to have a family or be able to maintain an interest in anyone other than themselves or their search for the ideal abstract state of mind.
Day two, I don't remember if we were coming or going, but this image of Stephanie in our motel room wet from the pool is a favorite of mine, a moment unposed and unplanned, an archetype of my unconscious.
Day three, sitting on a bench waiting for the children to get off the Froggy Jumper, I looked over my shoulder and found these lovely limbs opening to my gaze, revealing a perfect state of mind.