Context: Two Views Of Atlantic City
Apropos of everything below I will discuss the two images above. The top image is my former neighbor from Seacliff in San Francisco, Mr. Paul Kantner of the Jefferson Airplane. I lived at 7004 California Street, corner of 32nd avenue. Paul lived down the block on El Camino Del Mar, possibly with his wife Grace Slick and their daughter China. I never saw the ladies at home, but Paul would zoom by my window in his Porsche. I would often climb down the cliff next to his house, the area is called Land's End and it truly is that. Baker Beach is at the bottom, foggy most of the time but when the sun burned through, the western end became a nude pleasure spot. Ansel Adams grew up a few blocks away on 26th avenue and I am sure that he too must have climbed down those cliffs as a young man, perhaps he too swam nude.
The picture of Paul was taken at a concert on May 24, 2009 near the boardwalk in Atlantic City, with the current (at that time) incarnation of the Starship. I used an Olympus 620 with the 25 pancake lens, the image is cropped a bit and could use a black border especially against the white background of this blog.
The surf was shot with a Canon S90, August 11, 2011 in Atlantic City, two or three blocks from the concert site. Ansel published a series of surf images of similar proportion to the one above, but each moment is unique in time and each observer occupies their own space, so play on Paul and thank you Ansel.
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